Why a Hidden Fence is Every Auckland Dog Owner’s Secret Weapon

As Auckland dog owners, our four-legged friends mean the world to us. They bring us joy, companionship, and endless tail wags. But with the rising incidents of dog attacks and the ever-present dangers of busy streets, ensuring our dogs’ safety while they enjoy the freedom of the outdoors has become more challenging than ever. The city’s bustling environment doesn’t naturally cater to the spirited nature of our canine companions, leading us to seek innovative solutions to keep them safe and sound. Enter the hidden fence—Auckland’s not-so-secret weapon that’s been quietly revolutionizing dog ownership throughout the city.

Imagine a world where your furry friend can frolic freely in your backyard, without the threat of wandering off or encountering potential hazards. This is the promise of the hidden dog fence, a system that creates a safe haven for your pet while preserving the beauty of your property. It’s a game-changer for both the safety of your dog and the peace of mind of you, the owner. This blog post will uncover the myriad benefits of this ingenious solution, from keeping your dog within the bounds of your home to protecting your community and enhancing your property’s value. Get ready to discover why a hidden fence might just be the ultimate secret weapon for every dog owner in the vibrant city of Auckland.


Keeps Your Dog Safe


A Golden Retriever with a golden coat is running through a field of yellow sunflowers. The dog is smiling and its tongue is hanging out. The sunflowers are in full bloom and the sky is blue and cloudless.

Having an uncontained dog comes with many risks that can seriously endanger your beloved pet. One of the biggest dangers is the potential for your dog to run into traffic and get hit by a car. Loose dogs account for many tragic accidents every year. Your pup could also get lost while roaming around, unable to find its way back home. Some lost dogs are never reunited with their owners.

There’s also the unfortunate possibility of your dog getting stolen if someone with bad intentions finds it wandering alone. Dog theft has been on the rise, especially for popular breeds like French bulldogs. Letting your dog roam free also exposes it to potential fights with other animals. These could be minor scuffles or major confrontations resulting in severe injury or worse. A hidden dog fence keeps your best furry friend safely contained on your property and away from all these hazards. You’ll have peace of mind knowing exactly where your dog is at all times.


Protects Others


A person in sporty attire is playing with a brown and white beagle in a lush green park. The dog is standing on its hind legs, enthusiastically tugging on a toy held in the person's hand. The person is wearing a grey t-shirt, dark grey shorts, and red sneakers, and is bending forward towards the dog, engaging in a playful tug-of-war. The background is a well-maintained grassy area with trees and shrubs, suggesting a peaceful outdoor setting.

Loose dogs running around the neighborhood can create unsafe situations and nuisances for others. Dogs that escape yards often end up running into the street, increasing the risk of accidents for both the dog and drivers. They can also frighten or even injure passersby if the dog is aggressive or playful in an unwanted way.

In Auckland, there are laws requiring dogs be under control in public spaces. But even friendly, well-behaved dogs let loose from a yard are still breaking that law. This means owners can face fines and nuisance complaints from neighbors if their dog gets out repeatedly. Hidden fences help avoid these problems by keeping the dog safely contained. Neighbors will appreciate not having stray dogs disrupting their own yards. And owners have peace of mind knowing their dog isn’t causing trouble or at risk in the community.


Gives Your Dog More Freedom


A hidden dog fence allows your furry friend to enjoy your backyard without the need to constantly watch them or keep them leashed/tied up. With a traditional fence, your dog is either confined to a smaller area of the yard or else they have to be monitored anytime they are let loose. This restricts their freedom to roam and play.

An underground dog fence gives your pet much more independence. After completing the training period, your dog will learn the boundaries and be able to freely explore all areas of the yard within the fence perimeter. You can relax knowing exactly how much space they have, versus worrying about them wandering off or getting into something dangerous unsupervised. The peace of mind that your dog can play and get exercise, while staying safely in the yard, is invaluable for any pet owner.

Your dog will be much happier too. Canines love being able to investigate intriguing sights and smells, run at full speed, or lounge in their favorite sunbeam. With a hidden fence, they can choose how to enjoy your outdoor space without external limitations like leashes or constant monitoring. The increased freedom and independence is good for any dog’s quality of life.


Easy to Install


Installing a hidden dog fence is a straightforward process that most dog owners can handle themselves without professional help. The main components involved are the wire that creates the boundary, the transmitter which sends the radio signal through the wire, and the collar receiver worn by the dog.

The boundary wire gets buried around the perimeter of your yard, either by trenching several inches underground or using a installation tool to cut a small slit in the ground. The wire connects to the transmitter, which then emits the radio signal to create an invisible boundary.

The collar receiver has contact points that touch your dog’s neck. When it gets close to the boundary wire, the collar emits a warning beep. If your dog continues forward, it receives a mild static shock. This teaches it to retreat and stay within the set boundaries.

While professional installation is available, the basic fence components make DIY installation simple. Training your dog on the hidden fence system is also straightforward. You set up flags to mark the perimeter and walk your dog on a leash stopping before the flags. When it hears the warning beep, guide it back into the safe zone and reward the behavior. Over a few weeks, it will learn the new limits.


Customizable Coverage


Hidden dog fences offer customizable coverage to suit your unique needs. You can choose to have the underground wire encircle just your front yard, back yard, or your entire property.

The layout of the wire is adjustable based on your preferences. For example, you may want more space for your dog to roam in the backyard, so you can shape the wire boundary accordingly. If you have landscaping or gardens you want to protect, the wire can be routed around those areas.

Hidden dog fences give you flexibility compared to traditional fences. You’re not limited by preset dimensions or existing fence lines. The system can be configured to create any secure spaces you desire for your dog within your property’s boundaries.

With a customized wire layout, your dog can safely access and enjoy precisely the outdoor areas you want to provide for them. And you don’t have to worry about your dog wandering into unwanted zones. Hidden dog fences offer the perfect blend of freedom and security tailored to your unique situation.


Low Maintenance


One of the best things about a hidden dog fence is how low maintenance it is once installed. There’s no need to check the boundary wires or transmitter daily. As long as the system was properly installed, it should work reliably for years with minimal upkeep required.

The most regular maintenance task is changing the battery in your dog’s collar receiver. The type of battery used will determine how often it needs replacement, but generally it’s only needed every 4-12 months. Lithium batteries tend to last the longest – up to a year of use before needing a swap out. It’s easy and quick to pop in a new battery every 6-12 months.

Testing the collar every so often is also recommended just to be sure the stimulation is still working properly. Put it on your wrist and walk toward the boundary to verify you receive a warning beep followed by a safe static correction. This lets you confirm everything is in working order. If the collar is malfunctioning for any reason, you’ll want to identify that right away.

Beyond quick battery replacements and occasional testing, there is practically no maintenance required. The wires are buried so they don’t need any care. The transmitter box can be left alone indefinitely. It’s a set-it-and-forget-it system that keeps your dog safely contained without ongoing time commitment. That’s the beauty of hidden dog fences – they do their job diligently day after day with barely any maintenance needed.


Better than Traditional Fences


Hidden dog fences provide better containment for your pet than traditional fences, without the high costs of installing and maintaining a physical barrier.

A traditional wood or chain link fence can cost thousands of dollars to install. And no matter how tall you make it, a determined and athletic dog may still be able to dig under or climb over. This leaves you with both the initial expense of installing the ineffective fence, and ongoing costs for repairs and reinforcement.

In contrast, hidden dog fences are much more affordable to purchase and install. With no physical barrier required, you simply lay out the boundary wire and connect the components. The fences use safe but effective static correction to keep pets from crossing the boundary. This customized “virtual” containment works on all dogs, no matter their size, breed or agility.

Hidden fences also avoid the aesthetic downsides of traditional fences. Chain link and wood quickly show wear and can detract from your property’s curb appeal. With an underground hidden fence, your yard stays open and beautiful. Your neighbors will appreciate the clean look as well.

Overall, hidden dog fences provide a better containment solution than traditional fences. For a fraction of the cost, you’ll get a system customized for your yard and pet that safely and reliably keeps them in the designated area. The affordability, flexibility and performance of hidden fences make them a much better option for today’s dog owners.


Improves Your Property Value


Installing an underground dog fence can significantly increase your home’s value and appeal to buyers. Although invisible, a hidden fence provides many of the same benefits of a traditional fence for containing pets and securing your yard. This added protection and convenience becomes a major selling point for families with dogs looking to purchase a home.

Installing a fence in your backyard for privacy purposes can significantly boost your home’s appeal when selling. Homeowners with pets, especially dogs, frequently need a fenced yard and may hesitate to buy a house without one since fencing materials and installation can be pricey.

Unlike chain link or wood fences that can deteriorate and require frequent repairs, an underground dog fence is a maintenance-free system built to last for years. So you can deliver value to home buyers immediately with a fully functional pet containment system already in place and ready to use. This prevents buyers from having to undertake a major landscaping project themselves to fence their new yard.

When listing your home, be sure to highlight the hidden fence as an included feature. This key amenity can help your property stand out, increase interest among buyers, and potentially enable a quicker sale at a higher price point.




Installing a hidden dog fence is one of the best investments an Auckland dog owner can make. As we’ve discussed, a hidden fence keeps your dog safe by preventing escapes, protects others from your pet, and gives your dog more freedom to enjoy your yard. Compared to traditional fences, hidden fences are easier to install, customize, and maintain. They can increase your property value without obstructing views.


Most importantly, hidden fences provide peace of mind. You’ll no longer have to worry about your dog breaking loose and wreaking havoc. Your pet can play freely and safely in your yard, getting exercise and enjoying the outdoors. With an invisible boundary rather than a physical barrier, your home will maintain beautiful curb appeal.

For all these reasons, hidden dog fences are a must for Auckland dog owners. The modest one-time investment will pay off every day through enhanced security, convenience, and quality of life. Don’t wait until your pet has a close call to take action. Contact Real Fencing for hidden fence provider today to choose the right system and begin installation. Your dog will thank you!